The atmosphere provides materials for life processes on earth,it also serve as a transport medium which transfer water from ocean to land,it protects and prevent the earth from cosmic rays and filters out damaging ultra-violet radiation,prevents temperature extreme on earth and maintain heat balance.any major disturbances in the atmospheric composition either natural or anthropogenic[man made] activities may lead to disastrous consequences for life forms on earth..the atmospheric is a dynamic system which steadily absorbs various pollutants form natural and anthropogenic sources,thus acting as a NATURAL SINK..so what really causes the AIR POLLUTION is if pollutants enters the atmosphere at a faster rate than the SINK of the atmosphere can absorb,then they gradually accumulate in the AIR..it is this POLLUTED AIR that adversely affects both plant and animal life..if you always want fresh air in your environment,take necessary measures to avoid dispersion of pollutants into the air..
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